PRAYER LIST for the week beginning 9th . February
This week we hear about the call of Jesus to Peter, James and John. Reflect on this well-known hymn; “Jesus calls us o’er the tumult of our life’s wild restless sea; day by day His sweet voice soundeth, saying “Christian, follow me!” Jesus calls us! By thy mercies, Saviour, may we hear your call, give our hearts to thine obedience, serve and love thee best of all.”
Please pray with thanksgiving that, like Simon, Christ comes to find us and calls us into His service. Please pray for the courage and the will to go on hearing that call and to seek Him daily. Pray for our Church, that it will be a place where many hear that call and respond with transformed lives. Pray that from here Christ’s love and goodness will spread to everywhere around us.
Please continue to pray for peace to come to our world and especially for those caught in the devastation of war in the middle east and in the Ukraine. Pray for our partner diocese in South Rwenzori, for the Church there and particularly for the construction of the hostels needed to accommodate students at St Paul’s vocational secondary school.
Please pray all who are finding life difficult just now, both those known to us and those we haven’t met. Pray for strength to continue when things are hard and for those consumed with worries about finance, relationships or the pressures of their jobs. Pray that Christ’s Spirit will sustain them and bring them to happier places.
Please continue to pray for the sick and especially for those known to us and who are a part of our community. Pray for the medical services, especially for skill, strength and good humour when many are unwell, and life is hectic. Pray for all who give time to help others in need.
May the Spirit bless, empower and guide us as we seek to follow Christ each day, and may our hope and shared vision sustain us in all our days.