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Parish Church

Prayers for 2nd February

PRAYER LIST for the week beginning 2nd. February


This week we celebrate Candlemas, when Christ, the light of the world, was presented in the Temple. “A light to the nations and the creator’s love proclaimed to earth’s farthest bounds. Help us, Lord, to have the grace to do what is right for its own sake and to sow hidden seeds of love and goodness.” (Atwell)

Please pray for insight and understanding for ourselves and for our Church family. Like Simeon and Anna, may we recognise Christ in the world around us and in the people we meet. Pray that our response will be joyful obedience to God’s guidance.

Please continue to pray for the world around us and especially for those places where conflict and hatred make normal life impossible for so many. Pray for the beginnings of a peace settlement in Gaza, and for Ukraine and all the other areas of war and destruction. Pray for those seeking to bring aid to those places and for safety for them as they risk their lives to help others.

Please pray this week for the older generation, for the retired and for all who live alone. Pray for the Holy Spirit to encourage them to use and share their life experiences with wisdom and gladness to the benefit of the whole community. Pray for those who mourn that their memories will life-enhancing and that they will know the comfort of the presence of Christ.

Please pray for the sick and especially for those known to us and who are a part of our community. Pray for those who look after them and who make sacrifices for them. Pray for the work of all engaged in healing.

Please pray that each of us might make use of our individual gifts and talents so that the “One Body” of the Church can flourish. Pray that we will be helped to spread the warmth of Christ’s love to everyone we meet.

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