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Parish Church

Prayers for 24th November

PRAYER LIST for the week beginning 24th. November


This week we celebrate the kingship of our Lord Jesus Christ and here are a few verses from Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians showing us how to live as Christ the King would wish. “Encourage the faint-hearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone, always seek to do good to one another and to all. Rejoice always, and hold fast to what is good.”

Please pray for all rulers and kings that they will be given wisdom and compassion to govern with care for those in their charge. Pray for our King Charles and for all who serve in his government. Pray for all who have to make big decisions which affect the lives of many. Pray that they will be sensitive to the needs and concerns of others.

Please pray for our Church leaders, and especially at this time of crisis. Pray for those who bear the scars of their treatment at the hands of others and for a healing of those wounds. Pray for our own Church and for all involved in building up our community life. Pray for understanding not anger and for cooperation not division. Pray that God will empower us to be the best that we can be.

Please pray for all the activities planned for the next few weeks as we begin to prepare for Christmas. Pray for families worrying about the cost of it all, and for the lonely who find it a difficult time of year. Pray that neighbours will notice the needs around them and that there will be grace and forgiveness when things get hard.

Please continue to pray for peace in this troubled world and for all who are the victims of conflict. Pray for peacekeepers and aid agencies and those who work in dangerous places will be kept safe. Pray that those who do not have the basic needs of life will receive the aid they need. Pray for all who feel undervalued or forgotten, that they will be comforted.

A Blessing for all of us: May God the Father who loves you, Jesus the King who reigns over you, and God the Spirit who empowers you, fill you with love and grace now and forever. Amen.

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